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sangat kukuh bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "sangat kukuh"
  • sangat:    dearly; deeply; ever so; exceedingly; extreme;
  • kukuh:    be of the same mind; firm as a rock; stanch;
  • kukuh:    be of the same mind; firm as a rock; stanch; stanchion; steady; uncompromising; substantial; conclusive; perdurable; stiff; firm; dour; reasoned; stout; unwavering; portly; strong; unfaltering; invu
  • kukuh stabil:    be stable
  • pegangan kukuh:    stronghold
  • secara kukuh:    affirmatively
  • tidak kukuh:    insecure
  • bertahan dengan kukuh:    stand firm; standing firm; stood firm
  • kukuh seperti batu:    as solid as a rock
  • sangat:    dearly; deeply; ever so; exceedingly; extreme; extremely; greatly; head over heels; highly; importantly; madly; molte; only too; overly; preciously; profoundly; so; sorely; terribly; terrifically; t
  • . sangat indah:    so beautiful
  • . sangat jelek:    so bad
  • . sangat tinggi:    so high
  • adalah sangat:    is very
  • amat sangat:    badly; considerably; extremely; screamingly; sore; terrific; vitally; wonderfully; great; terrifically
  • I mean, he's been so adamant about wanting to handle this whole thing by himself, and.
    Ia sangat kukuh tentang keinginannya menangani ini sendiri.
  • Asus P8Z77-V Presentation, a very solid motherboard - video tutorial
    Asus P8Z77-V Pembentangan, motherboard yang sangat kukuh - video tutorial
  • High-strength concrete is a material familiar to Asian contractors and twice as effective as steel in sway reduction; however, it makes the building twice as heavy on its foundation as a comparable steel building.
    Beton yang sangat kukuh dikenal oleh banyak kontraktor Asia dan dua kali lebih efektif mengurangi guncangan dibandingkan baja, namun bangunan ini menjadi dua kali beratnya pada fondasi dibandingkan bangunan baja sejenisnya.